  americas   panamericana info tour Rasmus Reuter  
[May 1, 2005] The weather is rapidly getting worse... More »

The Pan-American Highway, a dream or a nightmare?

During one year between June 2004 and May 2005 I had the great opportunity to research the answer on the road from Alaska to Argentinia.

I met the challenge and lived during these 10 months through all ups and downs one can imagine; not only for the bike and my equipment, but also for myself. And always there was need for improvisation.

And I was rewarded with so much:

  • with the people I had a chance to meet
  • with untouched nature
  • with experiences of quietness and loneliness and
  • with new knowledge about cultures and habits

After riding more than 23000 miles on gravel and asphalt, crossing rivers and mountains I got to the conclusion that I was lucky to live my dream.

In this page I have summarized my experiences of the tour and have posted some pictures in the Gallery.


Rasmus Reuter


Motorcycle journey, adventure, unique experience, landscapes, tour reports and photos in North America and South America

